Excellent Online Radio Station in Hancock

Excellent Online Radio Station in Hancock

Welcome to Music Central, we’re an online radio broadcasting service that belts out the best tunes around.We offer podcasters to upload podcasts and music artists to upload music of various genres online for people to stream. In order for people to stream music, they must sign up for a free account. After that, they can stream any music or podcasts online. There will be ads before you play a song (can be 1 ad or more than 1 ad that will play), for example, an ad or ads will play after 5 song skips, or after 10 minutes of ad-free music streaming. ADS WILL NOT INTERRUPT DURING MUSIC STREAMING OR REPLAYING THE SAME SONG AFTER IT IS ALREADY BEING PLAYED. Users can purchase premium version for $12 per month of unlimited song skips and ad-free music (removes ads). Users can choose to make automatic payments for premium version per month or manually pay for it. Music artists and podcasters will earn $0.01 per stream. 1 stream is counted after a user streams at least the first 30 seconds of the podcast or song every time the song or podcast is played. After that, a user would have to replay the song for at least the first 30 seconds of the song again to count as a stream, it will NOT count as a stream for every 30 seconds of the song being played.